Friday, April 03, 2009

ONIF! (Oh no its friday) D:

This place is dead boring but there's nothing I can do cause I do not have the time. (for now, at least)

Riane left her Chinchillas with me yesterday before her flight to turkey, and I brought it to the vet today cause it's got glaucoma D:

Kaiying says I can't be late tomorrow so I won't be late tomorrow. (I'll probably look like crap tomorrow its a warning don't get freaked out LOL)

Loads of stuff on the list to complete (FOR ME TO KNOW AND FOR YOU TO IGNORE)

PI, Spring Rhap. ticket design, Textures for art, Geog essay outline, maths probability corrections, Tutorial 2, Econs essay outline qn 1,2,3, GP compre, Anna's doodle book (almost done!).

March: Celebration and glory by James Swearingen for the SRolymics is fine, I was put into the publicity committee for the Spring Rhapsody concert (for syf showcase) along with 8 others so if you guys are interested to go GET TICKETS FROM ME NEXT THURSDAY LUNCH PERIOD OKAY they're free anyway.

do come here soon when there's pictures ):

(like, tomorrow I think)

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